Dada Salim

Compositori / Autori

Considered among the most prolific Arab and Mediterranean composers, Salim DADA (1975) is an associate member of SACEM and ONDA and has more than 150 musical compositions to his credit (symphonic works, chamber music, film music, takht arabi, guitar solo, vocal, piano, didactic music, etc.) which have been awarded and played by several orchestras and musical formations in several countries of the world. In addition to being a prolific composer, Salim Dada is also a multi-instrumental musician (guitar, ‘ûd, kwitra, buzuq, ukulele, voice, percussion) and a passionate conductor (founder of the Orchestre des Jeunes d’Algérie, among other ensembles and groups).

Having a Doctorate from the Faculty of Medicine of Algiers (2005), Salim Dada also studied: “Musical writing” at the National Higher Institute of Music (INSM) in Algiers and at the School of writing and musical composition “Polyphonies” in France (2002-2005) , “Orchestral Conducting” at the Turin’s State Conservatory in Italy (2008-2010) and “Musicological Research” at the University of Paris-Sorbonne where he obtained a Maîtrise Diploma then a Research Master’s degree (2010-2012). Since, he is preparing a Doctorate in musicology.

From 1996 to 2019, Salim Dada taught several musical subjects in various specialized establishments, musical schools and associations in Algeria, Italy and France: “Classical Guitar”, “Harmony”, “Counterpoint”, “Musical Analysis”, “Orchestral Conducting” and “Arabic Music”.

Alongside his work in composition, production, research and teaching, Salim Dada has held several positions of responsibility: Musicologist researcher at the National Center for Research in Prehistory, Anthropology and History in Algiers (2014-2020), President of the Commission for the identification of musical works at the National Copyright Office and Neighboring Rights (2018-2019), President of the National Council of Arts and Letters (2019-2020), Secretary of State for Cultural Production (2020) and President of the Commission for the opening, closing and cultural activities of the “Mediterranean Games Oran 2022”.

In 2023, he joined the EU/UNESCO Expert Facility as an International Cultural Expert of the “2005 Convention” of the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions, as well as, the International Council of Traditions of Music & Dance (ICTMD-UNESCO), as Liaison Officer for Algeria and Musicologist.